Asif Iqbal Chowdhury
Wheelchair Survivor & National Award Winner (Person with Disability) 2019.
- FOUNDER, SUBORNO NAGORIK FOUNDATION- Changing perception & ensure the basic human rights of the person with disabilities.
- Sales- NAVANA Ltd. (Toyota)
- Executive Committee Member- National Paralympic Committee of Bangladesh.
- Convener- Forum for Especially abled Persons - Bangladesh Association of Software and Information Services (BASIS).
- Advisor: Bangladesh Business & Disability Network (BBDN).
- Consultant: “PROYASH”, Institute of Special Education for Special Child, Bangladesh Army.
- Host & Presenter, “SUBORNO NAGORIK”, at Bangladesh Television (BTV), inspiring magazine.
- Host, “AMRAO PARI”, at Bangladesh Betar, motivating talk show.
- Host & Moderator of “Discovering Willpower with Asif Iqbal Chowdhury”, Facebook live at Daily Star Facebook page, exclusive inspirational talk show with the differently abled people.
- Host & Moderator, “AMI PERECHI” at Radio Shadhin 92.4 FM, inspirational talk show.
- Host & Presenter, “SUBORNO SHOINIK”, at ATN BANGLA, informative & inspiring TV show.
Email: info@subornonagorik.org
YouTube: Asif Iqbal Chowdhury
Video Gallery