Corona Days Initiative
We helped those people who were financially suffering due to the Corona pandemic.
Help the needy people
Your any contribution/donation will bring hope to our under privilege, disabled Spinal Cord Injured Patients/ Survivors.
Help the needy people
Your any contribution/donation will bring hope to our under privilege, disabled Spinal Cord Injured Patients/ Survivors.
Help the needy people
Your any contribution/donation will bring hope to our under privilege, disabled Spinal Cord Injured Patients/ Survivors.
Help the needy people
Your any contribution/donation will bring hope to our under privilege, disabled Spinal Cord Injured Patients/ Survivors.
Help the needy people
Your any contribution/donation will bring hope to our under privilege, disabled Spinal Cord Injured Patients/ Survivors.
Help the needy people
Your any contribution/donation will bring hope to our under privilege, disabled Spinal Cord Injured Patients/ Survivors.
Help the needy people
Your any contribution/donation will bring hope to our under privilege, disabled Spinal Cord Injured Patients/ Survivors.
Help the needy people
Your any contribution/donation will bring hope to our under privilege, disabled Spinal Cord Injured Patients/ Survivors.
About Us
Suborno Nagorik Foundation', working to change perception, ensuring the basic human rights & economic inclusion of the person with disabilities. We are enlisted from the Ministry of Social Welfare.
Total Friends
Total Visitors
Our Objectives
Changing perception & Ensure the basic human rights of the person with disabilities in Bangladesh.
Changing Perception
Changing Perception
Disability perception is a crucial concept that influences not just the welfare of those with disabilities but also the moral compass of society.
Ensure the basic human rights
Ensure the basic human rights
The ability of a person to enjoy their human rights depends on other people respecting their rights, as we share a set of rights.
Helping person with disabilities
Helping person with disabilities
It is our goal to take care of people with disabilities for the same reasons as anyone else does - to stay healthy and active.
Upcoming Events
UCBL & The Daily Star সুবর্ণ (বিশেষ) নাগরিক সম্মাননা ২০২২
শারীরিক প্রতিকূলতা কোন বাধা হতে পারে না সমাজ ও দেশ গঠনে...
Dropout Story -
Asif Iqbal Chowdhury
Nonprofit organization focusing on Changing perception & ensure the basic human rights of the person with disabilities.
  • Corporate Professional Expertise at IT & Automobile Industry (TOYOTA): Direct Sales & Marketing, Business Strategy, Planning & Development (2000-2014).
  • Restaurant Entrepreneur: THE KOZMO LOUNGE (2004-2010).
Cash Money
Your any contribution donation will bring hope.
Wheelchair Support
Help someone to move on.
Food Support
Feed the needy.
Donate your old clothes
Ba a cause of someone's happiness.
Help us make a difference

Your any contribution/donation will bring hope to our under privilege, disabled Spinal Cord Injured Patients/ Survivors.

Various comfortable opportunities for you to get involved with us and help our SCI patients.

    We love to hear from you